1. 您应根据KuRun cloud对于服务的要求及时提供相应的身份证明等资料,否则KuRun cloud有权拒绝向您提供相关服务;
2. 您所填写的用户资料均是真实准确的,可以保证KuRun cloud通过您所填写的联系方式与您取得联系;
3. 用户需要妥善保管其用户账号,并对该账号进行的所有活动和事件承担全部责任;
4. 用户同意并授权:基于产品和服务的重要性,KuRun cloud通过其提供的用户信息,包括但不限于邮件、即时通讯等方式,保持与客户间的联络、沟通及紧急事件处理等;
5. 任何在本网站所提交的用户信息,仅限用于我们为用户提供更高效的优质服务体验。KuRun cloud承诺并保障为用户信息及客户隐私进行保密,并在必要时销毁数据。
KuRun cloud所提供的服务只允许用在合法的范围内,KuRun cloud不会为客户使用KuRun cloud的服务所产生的行为负责。
KuRun cloud所提供的所有产品/服务禁止进行下列行为:
1. 违反美国法律的行为;
2. 放置木马、病毒、黑客、色情、诈骗、私服、外挂、博彩、赌博用品、仿品站、窃听类、弓弩枪支、仿牌网站、暴力威胁、骚扰内容、煽动仇恨/暴力、以及其他任何违反当地国家法律的内容;
3. 安装vpn或ss或其他任何网络中转代理服务用于销售或者共享;
4. 除非您已经获得作者或法律许可,否则您不能以其他任何方式复制受版权保护的音乐,软件,书籍,或其他;
5. 发送未经接收方许可的电子邮件(垃圾邮件);
6. 任何可能导致KuRun cloud遭到网络报复或影响其他用户的行为;
经KuRun cloud核实确认,如果用户出现以上行为,我们将有权进行包括但不限于以下处理:要求删除、暂停服务、中止服务、提交给相关执法部门等。
KuRun cloud不会允许,纵容或授权任何形式的网络滥用,包括但不限于拒绝服务攻击,网络钓鱼,端口扫描,SYN洪水等。
KuRun cloud完全有权决定什么构成滥用网络,对客户是否事先通知,采取适当的行动。
您不能利用KuRun cloud的服务执行任何非法的行为,包括但不限于:
1. 任何企图探查,扫描或测试系统或网络的漏洞;
2. 干扰任何用户或服务,或网络的正常,包括但不限于,邮件轰炸,水灾,故意超载系统和广播攻击;
3. 密码爆破/劫持,安全漏洞扫描和端口扫描;
4. 不合理的使用网络,对其他用户造成干扰。
用户使用KuRun cloud服务器进行经营活动,应具备所在地国家相关部门的许可或批准,且禁止发布侵犯他人合法权利(包括知识产权)的内容。但KuRun cloud没有义务审查用户是否具备合规许可。用户对其经营活动所引起的任何经济/政治/法律纠纷等问题,均由用户自行解决并承担所有责任。用户须同意:如发生上述事件,KuRun cloud不对此或对第三方负有任何责任或义务。
1. 用户需提前办理业务续费,在业务到期时,客户的业务将面临暂停服务、业务取消、数据丢失的风险;
2. 产品一旦到期,您的账户将被暂停或删除,我方有权在不通知客户的情况下删除服务数据,由此产生的数据丢失我方不承担任何责任;
3. 用户欠费超过3天,KuRun cloud将有权收取一定比例的滞纳金;
4. KuRun cloud所有产品/服务,包括但不限于独立服务器、域名、服务均不支持退款。
1. 由于计算机硬盘及存储设备属于机械物件,即使在硬件 RAID10 的环境下,也无法保证 100% 不出现任何故障。故用户有义务负责其自身的数据安全,我们强烈建议用户定期进行数据备份工作;
2. 由于硬件故障或客户滥用导致的数据丢失,KuRun cloud不承担其赔偿责任,但我们将全力协助客户恢复数据及解决问题。如果由于我方工作人员操作失误及其他原因造成的客户数据丢失,我们将积极地与用户协商、恢复数据,并视具体情况为用户提供满意的处理方案。
1. 在进行服务器配置、升级、维护时,需要短时间中断服务;
2. 由于 Internet 上的通路阻塞造成用户网站访问速度下降;
3. 因违反本服务条款规定造成的损失和影响;
4. 因黑客问题、电信部门技术调整和政府管制等引起的事件;
5. 因政治变动、战争等社会事件,及天气、地震等自然灾害等不可抗力因素。
基于市场及产品变化以及活动推广的需要,KuRun cloud将不定期地推出各类优惠,包括适当的价格调整,KuRun cloud保留进行优惠和调整价格的全部权利。产品价格发生变动时,仅适用于新订单,无法应用于已有订单与在用业务,KuRun cloud保留随时修改产品体系、价格且无需通知用户的权利。
1. 对于有争议的内容,包括但不限于被 DDOS 攻击、政治、淫秽信息、知识产权等任何投诉,我们将与租户进行沟通并积极解决,并根据实际情况决定是否暂停、中止其服务;如果沟通后问题仍无法解决的,或者反复出现的,我们有权终止向该用户提供服务且不退款;
2. 针对机房与线路出现问题的情况,包括国内外网络运营商所造成的访问延迟、掉包、无法访问等不稳定情况,KuRun cloud将协助提供分析证据,不对此做出补偿退款行为,但会全力与网络运营商配合协助,并在短时间内解决问题。
1. 所有产品与服务都被视作由服务的购买者使用,不允许多人共用同一个帐户或者一个自然人拥有多个账户;
2. 帐户余额可用于KuRun cloud所有产品的消费,会员帐户余额不可提现;
3. 网站上价格均为不含税价格;
4. 推介计划为一个自然人对另外一个自然人的推荐,如果发现自己推荐自己的行为,我方有权清空您的推介信息。
1.1. "Service" in this Terms means that kurun provides you with the server services and related technical and network support services shown on the https://www.kurun.com/ website.
1.2. The services provided by kurun must comply with these Terms of Service.
2.1. The service fee will be stated on your order page. You can choose the specific type of service and pay it at the price listed.
2.1.1 After you pay, kurun will begin to serve you. You are not entitled to pay within 2 days after the order, and this Terms of Service and all acts done with you in connection with the Service shall lapse.
2.1.2 If the parties are willing to continue to cooperate, you should pay the renewal fee at least 3 days before the expiry of the service so that the service can be continued. If the kurun adjusts the product system, name or price, the two parties agree to perform in accordance with the new product system, name or price that is valid at that time.
2.2.kurun reserves the right not to provide you with services and / or technical support, or to terminate service and / or technical support, if you do not pay the full fee as agreed.
2.3. You are fully aware that all donation services or activities in the kurun price system are a one-time special offer for kurun outside the normal service price. The promotional content does not include the modification, renewal and maintenance of the donation service, and the service is not discounted Offset the service price.
3.1. Your rights and obligations
3.1.1. You agree to abide by these Terms of Service and the relevant management practices and procedures for the Service Show page. Your understanding of the above agreements and specifications may change from time to time. In the event of any change in the terms of this Terms of Service, kurun shall prompt you to modify the Content by giving an appropriate notice at http://www.kurun.com/ 3 days in advance. If you do not agree with kurun's modifications to the terms of this Terms of Service, you have the right to cease the use of kurun services, in which case kurun shall settle your service fee (if any) with you, and you shall move out of business data The If you continue to use the kurun service, you are deemed to have accepted kurun's modifications to the terms of this Terms of Service.
3.1.2. You should pay the corresponding service fee in accordance with the kurun's page prompt and the terms of service.
3.1.3. You promise: If you use the services provided by the kurun to carry out business or non-operating activities need to obtain the approval or approval of the relevant state departments, should obtain the relevant permission or approval. If the kurun's services involve the use of third party software, you agree to abide by the relevant license agreement; (SPAM): Do not use the services provided by kurun to distribute a large number of unpopular or unsolicited e-mails, electronic advertisements, or e-mails containing harmful information such as reactionary, pornographic and other information; (Including, but not limited to, setting the URL, BANNER link, etc.) without the use of the resources and services provided by kurun, uploading, downloading, downloading, posting the following information or content, and not providing any information for such information, Violation of state regulations of political propaganda and / or news information; Information relating to state secrets and / or security; Feudal superstition and / or obscene, pornographic, inflow of information or abetting the crime of information; Betting, gambling games, "PW", "plug-in" and other illegal Internet publishing activities; Violation of national and religious policy information; Hinder the operation of the Internet security information; Infringement of the lawful rights and interests of others and / or other information or content that is detrimental to social order, social order, public morality; Other content that violates laws, regulations, departmental regulations or national policies. Do not carry out any damage or attempt to damage the network security behavior (Including but not limited to fishing, hacking, phishing, website or space containing or suspected of spreading: viruses, Trojans, malicious code, and through virtual servers on other sites, servers, suspected attacks such as scanning, sniffing, ARP spoofing, DOS, etc.); Without any change or attempt to change the system configuration provided by the kurun or to undermine the security of the system; Does not provide any means of turning over the wall or rely on technical means to become a way to obtain illegal information abroad; Do not engage in other illegal, illegal or violation of kurun terms of service. If kurun finds that you are in breach of the above terms and conditions, you are entitled to take appropriate action, including but not limited to immediate termination of service, suspension of service or deletion of information. If a third party or individual issues a challenge or complaint to you, kurun will inform you that it is your responsibility to specify and issue a certified document within the specified time, and if you fail to provide evidence of the contrary or if you fail to respond, kurun will take Including but not limited to immediate termination of service, suspension of service or removal of appropriate information and other treatment measures. Because you did not update the contact or contact with the incorrect way and failed to contact you, but also as you overdue feedback.
3.1.4. You should not install and use pirated software on top of kurun services or platforms; you assume full responsibility for the results of your own actions (such as self-installing software and operations).
3.1.5. You are responsible for the integrity of your password, integrity, and confidentiality of the data stored on the kurun server platform and for entering and managing the various products and services on the kurun server platform. You are solely responsible for any loss or consequences arising from loss or damage to the above data, passwords, passwords, etc., due to improper maintenance or confidentiality.
3.1.6. You should submit to kurun the contact person who performs the Terms of Service and the list of personnel and contact information for the various types of products and services on the user's network and server platform and provide the necessary assistance. If the above personnel changes, you should update the information on-line and update the kurun. It is up to you to be responsible for the fact that the information provided by you is untrue, inaccurate, incomplete, and the result of the acts or omissions of the above persons.
3.1.7. You are responsible for the content of the data stored on the kurun server platform, and the full results and responsibilities arising from the upload and release of public information in violation of laws, regulations, or national policies are at your own risk.
3.1.8. You have to follow《Internet information service management approach》、《Internet electronic bulletin service management regulations》And other laws and regulations to retain their own website to visit the log records, including the release of information content and its release time, Internet address (IP), domain name, etc., the relevant state organs should be provided with the query. You are solely responsible for all legal liability arising from the retention of the relevant records.
3.1.9. You understand that there is no guarantee that the services it provides are flawless, but kurun is committed to continuously improving the quality of service and service. Therefore, you agree that even if the services provided by kurun are flawed, the above-mentioned flaws are unavoidable at the time when the technical level of the industry is not, and it will not be regarded as a kurun default. You agree to work with kurun to resolve these flaws.
3.1.10. Data backup is your obligation and responsibility. kurun does not back up user data, nor does it assume any responsibility for the backup or work of user data.
3.2. kurun's rights and obligations
3.2.1. kurun shall provide services in accordance with the terms of service.
3.2.2. kurun is only responsible for the operation and maintenance of the underlying part of the operating system, that is, the relevant technical architecture and operating system of the server service. It is up to you to be part of the operating system (if you have an application installed on your system). In addition, you can upgrade the operating system may cause downtime and other adverse effects, please grasp the risk and exercise caution.
3.2.3. kurun will eliminate the malfunctions of your non-human operation, except for your reasons and / or force majeure and non-kurun control.
3.2.4. You understand and acknowledge that kurun will carry out room transfer for the server services you use when necessary. kurun will notify you of the seven natural days prior to the above operation. You may need to modify the DNS of your domain name for the above operations. Therefore, you will need to modify the DNS to kurun specified IP at the time requested by kurun after receiving the kurun notification. Otherwise the site application can not be accessed, by your own responsibility.
4.1. Your data stored on kurun is owned by you, and kurun does not perform any unauthorized use or disclosure other than the execution of your service instructions unless:
4.1.1. According to the relevant provisions of the law, administrative or judicial and other institutions, to the third party or administrative, judicial and other institutions to disclose;
4.1.2. You and kurun are otherwise agreed;
4.1.3. If you appear in violation of USA's relevant laws and regulations, need to disclose to a third party;
4.1.4. Your information must be shared with third parties in order to provide the software or services you requested; however, the foregoing disclosures are only necessary for your service;
4.2. kurun shall continue to store your data within one natural day from the date on which the Terms of Service expires or for any reason for the termination of these Terms of Service in addition to kurun and you otherwise, and you will cease to keep your data overdue. Be responsible for all the consequences of the destruction of the data.
5.1. You should ensure that the material submitted to kurun, the use of kurun servers and the use of kurun services did not infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of any third party. In the event that a third party sues, sues or may sue kurun for infringement of copyright, infringement of a third party's interest or breach of US laws and regulations or other applicable law, you shall indemnify the kurun for the costs or Loss, and make kurun completely exempt.
5.2. If a third party or individual has challenged or complained about the intellectual property ownership of the material involved in the use of the kurun service, it is your responsibility to issue the relevant intellectual property certificate and to handle the complaint with the kurun.
6.1. Confidentiality refers to all technical and non-technical information disclosed by one party to the other (including but not limited to product information, product plan, pricing, finance and marketing planning, business strategy, customer information, customer data, R & D data, software hardware, API Application data interface, technical description, design, special formulas, special algorithms, etc.).
6.2. Either party to the Terms of Service agrees to keep the above confidential information confidential and strictly restrict the compliance with the confidentiality obligations of employees who come into contact with such confidential information. Unless a State organ complies with the law or the above confidential information has entered the public domain, the party receiving the confidential information shall not disclose it.
6.3. The terms of service of both parties expressly recognize that confidential information is the focus of confidential information and are their important assets, the terms of service agreed to make the greatest efforts to protect the confidential information such as not disclosed. Once the above disclosure of confidential information is found, the parties shall cooperate in all reasonable measures to avoid or mitigate the consequences of the damage.
6.4. This clause shall not be invalidated by the termination of these Terms of Service.
7.1. The service period is terminated prematurely in the following cases:
7.1.1. Termination by agreement between the two parties;
7.1.2. You are in serious breach of these Terms of Service (including but not limited to a. You have not fulfilled your payment obligations in accordance with the Agreement and / or b. You have breached the law, etc.), kurun has the right to terminate the service in advance and does not refund the fees you have paid ;
7.1.3. You understand and fully acknowledge that although kurun has established (and will continue to improve according to the technical development) the necessary technical measures to defend, including computer viruses, network intrusion and attack damage (including but not limited to DDOS) and other hazards to network security matters or behavior (Hereinafter referred to as such acts), but in view of the limitations of the network security technology, relativity and the unpredictability of such acts, so if you encounter such acts and kurun or kurun other network or server (including but not Limited to local and foreign and international networks, servers, etc.), or affect the smooth link between kurun and the Internet or kurun and specific networks, servers and kuruns, kurun may decide to suspend or terminate the service. If the service is terminated, Return the remaining amount (if any) in accordance with the actual service month (less than one month's monthly) service charge.
7.1.4. kurun may terminate this Terms of Service by advising or sending you a notice or e-mail notification at https://www.kurun.com/ in advance of 10 days. kurun shall refund the amount of money that you have paid but not consumed to your kurun account.
8.1. Any breach of this Terms of Service shall be liable for breach of contract in accordance with the law.
8.2. You understand that, given the particularity of the computer and the Internet, the following is not a kurun default:
8.2.1. kurun in the server configuration, maintenance, the need for short interrupt service;
8.2.2. Due to blocking on the Internet caused by your site access speed decline.
8.3. If you do not use the service for 72 consecutive hours due to kurun reasons, you may terminate the service, except for reasons other than those within the kurun control.
8.4. In no event shall kurun be liable for any loss of profits suffered from any indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, special damages, including your use of kurun services(Even if you have been advised of the possibility of such loss).
8.5. In any case, the total amount of liability for breach of contract by the kurun for these Terms of Service shall not exceed the total amount of service charge corresponding to the default service.
9.1. Due to force majeure or other contingencies, making the performance of this Terms of Service is not possible, unnecessary or meaningless, suffered force majeure, the accident party is not responsible.
9.2. Force majeure, an event that can not be expected, can not be overcome, and can not be avoided and has a significant impact on one or both parties, including but not limited to natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, plague epidemics, and social events such as war, Behavior, telecommunications trunk line disruption, hackers, network congestion, telecommunications sector technical adjustments and government regulation.
10.1. The Terms of Service are governed by the laws of USA.
10.2. In the course of the implementation of these Terms of Service in the event of a dispute, the two sides shall promptly resolve the dispute. In the event of a negotiation, either party may proceed directly to local court of the place where the kurun is located.
11.1. kurun's description of the service on the https://www.kurun.com/ related page, the price description and the order page that you confirm agree are an integral part of these Terms of Service. If there is any inconsistency between the service description, the price description and the order page you confirm on the http://www.kurun.com/ related page, this Terms of Service shall prevail.